
Introducing our farm's animals, raised naturally to ensure the best possible life from birth to harvest. Their well-being is at the heart of our mission, and it's evident in the food we grow and share.

A2/A2 Raw Jersey Milk
Our milk is unpasteurized and sold as pet food or under a herdshare agreement. Our milk is A2/A2 and grass-fed with no grains ever. Our Jersey girls get all organic alfalfa and pea pellets, kelp, molasses and minerals at milking. They are rotated daily on fresh grass that is never sprayed with chemicals and are supplemented with a cafeteria style mineral feeder. In the winter they get a variety of nutritious hays. We offer our raw milk, plus heavy cream and kefir, as well as other fermented dairy, such as yogurts and crème fraiche.

Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished Beef
Our cattle are 100% grass-fed and grass-finished without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones. We dry-age our beef for 14 to 21 days to ensure tender and rich-tasting beef. Our South Poll cattle are born on our farm and grow up with their extended family that started from the five original cow/calf pairs. Every couple of years we get a new bull to improve our herd genetics. Our cattle are moved twice daily to fresh pastures. Their cafeteria style mineral feeder follows them throughout the farm. Our steer are raised on our farm to be fully grown to approximately 26-30 months of age before they are harvested.We offer an assortment of beef cuts and organs, as well as half and whole steer.

Forest Raised/Pastured Pork
Our pigs are raised in the woods on a single hot wire. We move them weekly to a new spot to allow them to forage for nuts, roots, and green growth. We supplement their natural forage with non-gmo (no corn/no soy feed) that we ferment with the leftover clabbored skim milk from our dairy cream making. Our pigs are friendly and a joy to raise. Taste the forest raised and milk-fed difference.We have our own breakfast sausage made with sea salt, organic sage, ginger & black pepper. We have a variety of pork cuts to choose from. We offer pork packages at a discounted price.

Pastured Freedom Ranger Chicken
We raise Freedom Ranger meat birds. These birds are natural foragers of grass and clovers. They are run in chicken tractors to protect them from predators and moved daily to fresh grass. These birds are naturally higher in fat and run 12 weeks to 4/5 weights. Taste the difference from the commercial white Cornish Cross. We offer whole birds, leg quarters, wings & boneless breasts. We sell the carcass and feet for bone broth.

Pastured Eggs
Our laying hens are fed an organic, no corn/no soy diet and are pasture-raised where they graze on grasses. This method of raising hens helps us produce fresh, high-quality eggs while supporting a healthier environment for our animals and the land. We focus on simplicity and care in our process to ensure the best possible eggs for you and your family.

Raw Honey
We are new to beekeeping and excited to be in our second year of caring for bees. Currently, we are preparing for our very first honey harvest and practicing natural beekeeping using horizontal hives, which allow the bees to follow their natural behaviors with minimal interference. We look forward to offering a variety of honey products soon.

means Turkey

Our turkeys are growing well, eating fresh grass with each daily move. They are fed a non-gmo, no soy feed. We are sold-out on reservations this year already.
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How we give back to the land everyday
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